What is the EU Green Deal and how might it impact business?
The EU Green Deal is a policy framework and package that aims to transform the European economy with the overarching goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and increasing ambition in existing emissions reduction targets.
Announced in 2019, this multi-year project will create new and revamp existing policies, including the EU’s first ever Climate Law. It is ambitious, far-reaching and will impact almost all sectors of the economy.
What else does the Green Deal focus on?
In addition, the plan focuses on policies and strategies to ensure the supply of clean and affordable energy, establish a circular economy, eliminate pollution, safeguard biodiversity, and create sustainable food and transport systems.
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A combination of financial and real economy (the real economy refers to the production and flow of goods and services within an economy) policies have been proposed to achieve this climate ambition. We have highlighted key elements below, though there is a much longer list (~50) of associated policies and initiatives.
What does it mean for investors?
We think that the Green Deal will have major structural implications for the EU economy in the coming decades, impacting everything from the way we produce and use power, to how we travel, heat our homes, and even how we eat.
This will provide significant opportunities for industries and companies that are well placed to take advantage of the transition.
We believe that the major policy areas highlighted in the Green Deal can be mapped to four key investment themes. Understanding how these policies can affect industries and companies will be key to investors’ analysis and decision-making.
- To find out more visit Schroders Global Investor Study hub or Schroders Sustainable Investment home page
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