Welcome to the 2017 edition of Giving magazine
We proudly present the fourth edition of Giving, City A.M.’s annual magazine about world philanthropy and giving trends both inside and outside of London.
Every year, as Christmas gets closer and the days grow shorter, family, friends and colleagues come together, and parties and presents are at the top of our minds. Simultaneously, feelings of empathy towards the less fortunate seem to grow stronger at this time of the year.
After all, it was at Christmas that Charles Dickens’ Scrooge turned from an old miser into a kind, generous and compassionate person, didn’t he? But giving isn’t something that only happens in December. It’s being done throughout the year, year after year, by people all around the world, for an infinity of reasons.
It’s being done by large philanthropists and good hearted individuals. It takes the form of money, goods, time, energy and attention. “Everyone can give” says one of our charity experts, Cheryl Chapman, the director of City Philanthropy.
Proof is found in 20 London Boroughs where disadvantage and inequality is being tackled by strong community collaboration. The list of the world’s biggest charity donors, published here for the seventh year in a row, has become an eagerly awaited event in the charity calendar.
A special focus in this edition of the magazine is the diversity of sources of giving. From households, bequests and foundations, to companies and charity lotteries. And let’s not forget celebrities, such as our sparkling cover model, Emma Thompson, and the incredible Sir David Attenborough, both interviewed in these pages. Both donate their time, energy and perhaps fame, with passion.
On behalf of all at City A.M. I wish you and your families all the very best for 2018.
– Christian May, editor