eSports team expands into India March 26, 2021 | City Talk One of Europe’s biggest eSports brands, Team Vitality, has today announced its first all-Indian mobile eSports roster. The move represents the Paris-based eSports brand’s first major expansion beyond Europe and its first foray into the world of mobile eSports. The announcement reconfirms the brand’s plans to globalise its teams into Asia and South America. The [...]
Technology transfer offers a fast route toward rebuilding the COVID-ravaged economies of low-and-middle income countries March 11, 2021 | City Talk Technology transfer is a measure of the way in which countries manage their international flows of capital, goods, services, ideas and people. Borders and tariffs in rich countries often impede the economic and technological exchanges that could otherwise accelerate development and growth in poorer nations. Evidence shows that quickly spreading technology and technological knowledge quickly [...]
Learning lessons with Tej Kohli March 10, 2021 | City Talk The tech tycoon’s legacy is built on hard work, determination, and some savvy investments. This post was updated on 13 May 2021 to reflect the launch of the Tej Kohli & Ruit Foundation. Tej Kohli knows what it is like to fail. In his twenties, the Indian-born, British-based billionaire, made some bad decisions about his [...]
For the continued growth of esports, local and accessible venues are key March 9, 2021 | City Talk In the summer of 2020, a monumental deal for the wider esports space was announced, and whilst it made some noise in financial, esports and gaming circles, it went by largely without much fanfare. The acquisition of Belong by GAME by esports infrastructure company Vindex, and the associated news that the US-based firm plans to [...]
Technology on stage: How becoming bionic will boost my acting career March 9, 2021 | City Talk We are often told how brand-new technology is changing humanity, but we rarely hear enough about how it is impacting individual humans. In December 2020 I joined a unique club of individuals who have been fitted with a 3D-printed bionic arm. The robotic arm is designed and manufactured by Bristol-based Open Bionics and mine was [...]
We need a humanitarian vision for AI and robotics March 9, 2021 | City Talk Robotics and artificial intelligence are beginning to transform a broad spectrum of industries, and I believe that in time, given its near-endless applications, omnipresent AI will contribute $150 trillion to the global economy. I also believe that humanitarian efforts all over the world will be greatly advanced by emerging artificial intelligence and robotics technologies as [...]
Bitcoin highlights the opportunity for sustainable data processing March 9, 2021 | City Talk The price of Bitcoin is not the only thing that is surging. According to an analysis by Cambridge University and reported on by BBC News, the computer processing power that is now required to “mine” the cryptocurrency is 126.35 terawatt-hours each year. Or put another way: if Bitcoin was a country, it would be in [...]