Nigel Farage accuses pollsters of “voodoo science” when it comes to Ukip May 3, 2015 Nigel Farage has argued that despite pollsters indicating a decline in Ukip's popularity, it is actually “going up in the polls”. During an interview with BBC One's Andrew Marr show, he said there had been a “very desperate attempt to talk Ukip down in recent months”, and that some of the polling organisations of using [...]
Nigel Farage, Nicola Sturgeon and Leanne Wood to face BBC audience questions: Here’s what you need to know April 30, 2015 As the three main party leaders prepare to spar with the public ahead of tonight's leaders' Question Time special, some may be wondering how the leaders of the minor parties are planning to spend their evening. While the leaders of Ukip, SNP, and Plaid Cymru may not be involved in tonight's premier event, they will [...]
Ukip takes on the BBC over Camilla Long’s mockery of Nigel Farage on Have I Got News for You April 30, 2015 Ukip is embroiled in a fresh conflict with the BBC, after it asked the police to investigate the corporation over comments made during the satirical programme Have I Got News for You. The complaint was made last Friday in relation to comments made by guest panellist Camilla Long. The party claims her suggestions could hamper [...]
Ashcroft poll: Nigel Farage set to lose South Thanet while Nick Clegg trails Labour in Sheffield Hallam April 29, 2015 Tory peer Lord Ashcroft's latest round of polls show Nigel Farage two points behind his Conservative opponent Craig Mackinlay in the key battleground constituency of South Thanet. The Ukip leader has said he will resign as party leader if he fails to take the Kent seat. The Tories have marginally increased their lead over Ukip in South [...]
Voters back up Nigel Farage and say media are most biased against Ukip April 23, 2015 A plurality of British voters think the media is much more likely to be biased against Ukip than any other major political party. The media has often made great play of gaffes and inappropriate remarks made by Ukip politicians and members. However, Ukip consistently points out that the media rarely reports similar offences committed by [...]
General Election 2015: Ed Miliband gives me the heebie jeebies, Nigel Farage models himself on Boycie and Nicola Sturgeon has “thin lips” – here are the best reactions to the party manifesto launches April 20, 2015 Voters have had some interesting reactions to the manifesto launches of the last week – and not in the way you might expect. They collectively had only “the haziest recollection” of the details – despite them dominating the news all week. As part of the weekly poll update for Ashcroft National Polls, they had [...]
Nigel Farage, Nicola Sturgeon, Leanne Wood to appear in BBC election specials after Ed Miliband, David Cameron, and Nick Clegg get Question Time slots April 18, 2015 Nigel Farage is to be served up to a regional audiences as part of a several BBC specials ahead of the General Election. Farage will appear in a programme in England on 30 April, the same day Nicola Sturgeon, the leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP) and Plaid Cymru’s Leanne Wood will appear in [...]
Would raising the minimum wage really attract too many immigrants, as Nigel Farage suggests? April 17, 2015 The arguments against raising the minimum wage are many and varied – but is Ukip leader Nigel Farage's assertion that an increase might attract Romanian immigrants fair? While businesses argue hiking the minimum wage could raise the unemployment rate and lead to more illegal labour, today Farage suggested it would cause "even more people [to] [...]
BBC debate: Here’s what Twitter commentators made of Nigel Farage’s attack on left-wing audience April 16, 2015 The BBC leaders' debate had clashes on all sides, but Nigel Farage was very much everyone's favourite target. After Farage argued immigration was a driving factor in the rise of house prices, the other leaders piled in on him. However, Farage also turned to an interesting tactic of attacking the audience. The Ukip leader said [...]
General Election 2015: The battle for South Thanet is hotting up as Nigel Farage calls on Ukip supporters to help fight Tories April 16, 2015 Things are hotting up in South Thanet, the seat Nigel Farage is hoping will be his come May 7. By now, the Ukip leader may well have expected to be storming ahead in the polls considering the huge publicity he has generated. But yesterday it emerged that he was likely to come in third, with the [...]