London is too taxed October 24, 2005 The government is imposing an onerous and discriminatory system on taxpayers in London, according to a recent survey. The survey by Williams de Broe into regional disparities in the cost of living has found that the starting point for income tax in London should be £1,550 higher than in the country’s poorest region, Northern Ireland, [...]
Alas Sugar and Jones October 19, 2005 Sir Alan Sugar teamed up with Griff Rhys Jones to save the Hackney Empire. Now they have reunited to lay on a fundraising extravaganza involving teams from the Square Mile. Sir Alan Sugar and Griff Rhys Jones are an unlikely double act. One left school at 16 and, following a short stint as a civil [...]
Your friendly neighbours at the Barbican October 19, 2005 Residents of City apartment complex the Barbican are thinking of forming a vigilante group to take on the “Johnny foreigners” at the nearby YMCA. Their noisy antics have become the subject of heated exchanges in one of the chatrooms on One of the more gung-ho residents, who calls himself Flangia, has even proposed the [...]
Prettejohn leaves Lloyd’s for Prudential October 17, 2005 Nick Prettejohn, the chief executive of Lloyd’s of London, is set to join Prudential as its boss in Britain. Confirmation of the appointment, due today, comes as the Pru prepares to reveal the outcome of a root and branch strategy review later this month to be published alongside third quarter results. Prudential’s chief executive Mark [...]