General Election 2015 manifestos: These are the 20 most used words in the Conservative and Labour pledges April 14, 2015 With less than a month to go, the main political parties battling it out to gain a majority on the 7 May General Election have now revealed their manifestos. In the blue corner are the Tories floating the "good life" among potential voters. In the red corner are Labour saying they are being "fiscally responsible" to [...]
Conservative manifesto: David Cameron gives “absolutely no detail” of major cuts, says IFS April 14, 2015 The plan David Cameron hopes will win the Tories the General Election back has been blasted by the independent Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) over a "lack of detail". The Tory leader presented his party's manifesto in a speech delivered in Swindon earlier today. The document was brimming with goodies for the electorate, including an [...]
General Election 2015: The 10 key points of the Conservative Party manifesto April 14, 2015 David Cameron has launched the Conservative Party manifesto ahead of May’s General Election, promising the “good life” for Brits, with pledges on housing, childcare and increasing the personal tax allowance. At the launch in Swindon, Cameron promised to “finish the job” of fixing the economy and sought to win over voters heading to polling stations come [...]
One of the UK’s largest property companies really hates Conservative right-to-buy proposals April 14, 2015 On the whole, those at the top end of the property sector are a pretty conservative bunch – particularly when it comes to politics. After all, alienating those in control of your destiny is a fool's errand when you deal in something as politically sensitive as homes. So eyebrows in the property sector were raised [...]
General Election 2015: Uncertainty hangs over UK mortgage lending data April 14, 2015 The uncertainty surrounding the General Election hit mortgages in February, as lending dropped, with the total number of loans falling one per cent on January’s figure and 16 per cent compared to last year. The figures According to the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML),a total of 40,600 loans valued at £6.8bn were granted in February, meaning the [...]
National Housing Federation chief: “Extending right-to-buy is the daftest idea I’ve heard” April 14, 2015 Will the Tories' flagship manifesto policy encounter more of a backlash than they had expected? The housing sector is less than supportive, if a blog by National Housing Federation chief David Orr is anything to go by, in which he calls rumours the Conservatives will attempt to extend right-to-buy "a genuinely stupid idea". The blog, [...]
David Cameron to unveil right-to-buy extension to housing association properties, which could benefit 1.3m families April 14, 2015 David Cameron is set to announce a bold extension of Margaret Thatcher's iconic right-to-buy scheme. In a move designed to appeal to C2 voters, the Prime Minister will pledge discounts of up to 70 per cent for around 1.3m families living in housing association properties towards buying their own home. Cameron will unveil the scheme as [...]
General Election 2015: Tories look to build on coalition record with right-to-buy extension April 13, 2015 TheāConservatives will today put Britain’s housing crisis at the centre of their election campaign, pledging to boost the supply of new homes and extend the right-to-buy policy to housing association tenants. Prime Minister David Cameron will use the official manifesto launch to argue that the Tories are “the party of working people”. He will point [...]
General Election 2015 manifestos: Labour prepares to take aim at Rupert Murdoch April 13, 2015 A Labour government would rein in the influence of media tycoons like Rupert Murdoch, the party said yesterday. Its 86-page manifesto, now published in full, said: “No media owner should have so much power that those who run it believe themselves above the rule of law.” The pre-election document also said the party is [...]
General Election jitters for finance chiefs as sterling weakens against the dollar April 13, 2015 The extent of business nervousness surrounding the General Election was laid bare today by a survey of finance chiefs of some of the UK’s largest companies after sterling yesterday stooped to a five-year low against the dollar. Chief financial officers are much less inclined to take risks – 51 per cent said now was a [...]