Rationale of bank surcharge under fire as IFS think tank blasts George Osborne’s 2015 July Budget July 9, 2015 A leading think tank has criticised the volatility of the UK’s bank levy and the thinking behind a new bank surcharge as part of a wider assault on what it described as a “deeply disappointing” Budget. There would have been 13 different bank levy rates in 10 years by 2020 under Wednesday’s Budget plans, [...]
City plays down living wage cost fears but hospitality industry could struggle July 9, 2015 Analysts predicted yesterday that UK retailers would largely dodge the effects of the new national living wage but warned the leisure and hospitality industry would face tough times. In a surprise move on Wednesday George Osborne announced a new minimum wage of £7.20 per hour from April next year for workers over the age of [...]
Building an Opportunity Society is critical to Britain’s competitiveness July 9, 2015 While bolstering Britain’s economic growth and giving working people financial security is rightly this government’s most pressing priority, building the Opportunity Society must be its distinct legacy. A society where everyone can fulfil their potential, no matter what their starting point in life, is what a new generation of Conservatives is determined to help deliver, [...]
How can George Osborne revive UK productivity? Reform regulation and the public sector July 9, 2015 In Wednesday’s Budget, George Osborne announced that he would publish a Productivity Plan today. After growing by about 2 per cent a year for many decades, the UK’s productivity growth appears to have come to a juddering halt since the financial crisis. So what should be in the plan – in addition to the measures [...]
Institute of Fiscal Studies: “This was not the Budget of a tax reforming chancellor” July 9, 2015 Welfare cuts stole the limelight in the July Budget, but tax changes were more numerous and bigger, said Paul Johnson, director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies. While there were £14bn of tax increases in the budget, against £8bn of tax cuts, “it is rather hard to pin down a coherent narrative around the changes,” [...]
July Budget 2015: Is it too early to get excited about the government’s “northern powerhouse” plans? July 9, 2015 In his Summer Budget announcement, chancellor George Osborne made no apologies for highlighting the point that the Conservatives have boldly done something that previous governments haven’t been able (or possibly willing) to do – addressing the huge gap between the North and South. Making several references to the government’s "northern powerhouse’ plans, the chancellor confirmed [...]
Conservative MP: “Ring-fencing pensioners is a departure from the financial reality” July 9, 2015 George Osborne’s decision to ring-fence pensioners is a departure from financial reality, according to Conservative MP Philip Lee. Speaking at a post-Budget briefing hosted by the Taxpayers' Alliance and the Institute of Economic Affairs, Lee said by pushing the burden of deficit completely away from pensioners, the chancellor is “sending the wrong message.” Debt was [...]
July Budget 2015: IFA Hargreaves Lansdown offers 10 tips for investors to navigate new dividend rules carefully July 9, 2015 Yesterday's Budget included a significant shake up of the way dividends are taxed. Instead of the current tax credit, from next April investors will receive a £5,000 allowance after which dividends will be taxed at 7.5 per cent, 32.5 per cent, or 38.1 per cent depending on their income tax band. Isa and pension [...]
July Budget 2015: Transport for the North promises shorter train journey times and cheaper fares as high speed rail will drive Northern Powerhouse July 9, 2015 Slashed travel times between northern cities will cheer commuters, as new transport body Transport for the North gives a boost to George Osborne’s Northern Powerhouse project. But how exactly will the new and improved transport system work? And how much time will you save? This handy map and the charts below show how much shorter [...]
July Budget 2015: Chancellor George Osborne hits back at “anti-business” critics July 9, 2015 The chancellor has hit out at claims yesterday's Budget will hit small businesses, saying it offered the UK a "new contract". Read more: At a glance – July Budget 2015 In an interview on Radio 4 this morning, George Osborne said the new Living Wage was a "fair deal" for taxpayers. Labour has slammed the Living [...]