General Election 2015: Time to wake up – this vote matters – Editor’s Letter
I don’t understand people who believe this campaign has been interesting. Day after day we have pored over motionless polls. Any hope of intelligent debate has long been drowned out by the relentless hammering of talking points.
Interesting? Outside the bubble of Newsnight-devotees, too much politics still sends most people to sleep. In 2010, the 10.7m who backed the Conservatives were dwarfed by the 15.9m who could vote but didn’t bother. Even if tight polls and the growth of new parties bring a bumper turnout, non-voters are likely to remain the largest political bloc.
I don’t understand the delirium of Westminster-watchers rubbing their hands over the political horsetrading ahead, as if it wasn’t happening where they live. Today’s political class are accused of being too divorced from their constituents. The same goes for a commentariat to whom elections are amusing, abstract puzzles. To my mind, the prospect of an unclear result on 7 May is happening far too close to home to be intriguing.
I don’t understand the market’s calm at the possibility of a Labour victory based on an open antagonism towards market solutions. I don’t understand how our union, rescued in the Scottish referendum, suddenly looks so fragile. And I don’t understand why the coalition’s achievement of a record employment rate gets so little credit.
I wish I understood this General Election. How has it managed to be at the same time both unspeakably dull and unnervingly consequential? In a week’s time we will as a nation have made our decision. With so much at stake, we need to fight the electoral ennui and vote with our eyes wide open.
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