This is the BBC Trust’s response to the government’s green paper on Royal Charter review
Four out of five people believe the BBC should remain independent from politics according to research by the BBC Trust, which it has submitted to the government as part of its response to the broadcasters' charter renewal.
More than 40,000 responses from the public have informed the Trust's formal submission to the government green paper, for which the public consultation closes today.
It follows the BBC's own response, which called for a new style of management which would do away with the Trust and see the Beeb managed by an executive board and overseen by an external regulator.
Now, the Trust has outlined its own views.
It echoed the BBC's own call for its next Royal Charter to last 11 years when its renewed next year, rather than 10 years, so that its renewal does not happen at the same time as General Elections.
The BBC Trust, which was installed to hold the public broadcaster to account during the last charter review five years ago, said it believes the licence fee remains the best way of funding the BBC – something 60 per cent of the public agreed with.
The BBC Trust is against a subscription fee model for the BBC and believes the public should be consulted on any changes to the licence fee after two new deals were made between the corporation and the government during the current charter period – something the BBC also backed earlier today.
It is also against the privatisation of its commercial arm BBC Worldwide and argues that the main remit of the BBC should be to providing "distinctiveness" and entertainment.
Read more: Here's what the BBC wants in its next Royal Charter
"Our evidence so far shows that the public supports a BBC that is universal, independent and at the heart of our cultural life," said chairman of the BBC Trust Rona Fairhead.
"Today’s response to the government is grounded in what tens of thousands of people have told us; our work continues with more research and consultation in the coming months, and we will play a full part in the discussions with the government as the BBC’s future is decided.”
An independent study by KPMG on the economic impact of the BBC which has also formed part of its submission, found that its impact on the market was positive, in particular through investment in Salford and online.