Don’t underestimate the risks of interest rate hikes to the global economy June 27, 2017 | City Talk In recent months sentiment towards financial markets has been broadly positive in Western economies. But, as the recent UK political situation has demonstrated, sentiment can quickly change. Such swings also happen in financial markets. Here I highlight some of the key current macro-economic issues to watch for. Global recovery gaining traction The world economy is [...]
Managing market volatility June 19, 2017 | City Talk Volatility is an important measure in financial markets. At times of stress or uncertainty, volatility rises. In contrast, low volatility is usually associated with stable or predictable conditions. In recent months, volatility has been relatively low. A good indicator of this is the VIX index. Although this measures volatility implied by derivatives on US stock [...]
Being smart about fees could extend pension income by 10 years June 19, 2017 | City Talk Rising longevity and low interest rates are stirring up a perfect storm for investors – but a few smart decisions could help generate a sustainable income for an extra 10 years or more in later life. One smart move open to investors is to choose an investment vehicle whose costs will eat up less of [...]
Myths and legends: the bespoke portfolio June 19, 2017 | City Talk Britain’s wealth management industry is in need of big overhaul. The bespoke portfolio – which is more likely to underperform than a centrally managed portfolio and cost clients more – illustrates why this industry is ripe for change. Imagine you take your pension and ISAs to a typical wealth manager. Arrive with £50,000 or £100,000 [...]
What a minority government means for the UK economy June 19, 2017 | City Talk After the shock of the general election, resulting in a hung Parliament and minority Conservative Government, what are the implications for the economy and investors? In terms of the political outlook, three scenarios strike me as likely. First, and most likely, the Conservatives remain in power, with the support of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) [...]
Managing stock market volatility June 19, 2017 | City Talk Volatility is an important measure in financial markets. At times of stress or uncertainty, volatility rises. In contrast, low volatility is usually associated with stable or predictable conditions. In recent months, volatility has been relatively low. A good indicator of this is the VIX index. Although this measures volatility implied by derivatives on US stock [...]
As analysts predict softer growth in both 2017 and 2018, are we still being too pessimistic about Brexit? December 13, 2016 | City Talk Gerard Lyons, co-chair at Economists for Brexit, says Yes. The UK’s big challenge is that we talk ourselves into an unnecessary downturn. Across the globe, people read constant negative comments from UK economists and politicians. The fact they were wrong before the EU referendum doesn’t seem to bother them. Despite this, many global firms are [...]