Solving the distribution dilemma with appScatter
App developers face great difficulties in getting their work noticed.
In the crowded confines of the two primary app stores, newly-launched apps are easily lost, and the discovery dilemma is not quickly overcome, if at all. In the face of such a challenge, many app developers will resort to all manner of quick-fix gimmicks, or spend huge amounts of time and resource chasing uncertain results. Contrasting with such potential loss-making endeavours, the appScatter mobile strategy platform offers a unique solution. There is no other platform that can compete with appScatter’s combination of distribution and data.
How can appScatter offer such a solution for app developers? The answer lies in a realisation of an over-looked feature of the app distribution network. Worldwide, an incredible app distribution opportunity has been missed; now, appScatter has not only identified the opportunity but has harnessed it to provide app developers with the definitive answer to the dilemma of distribution.
You can read the full article here.