Local elections: Tories suffer big losses including commuter belt councils Hertsmere, Brentwood, Windsor and Maidenhead May 5, 2023 The Conservatives have been hit by major losses in the local elections – losing over a third of their council seats so far. Losses include key commuter belt councils Hertsmere, Brentwood and Windsor and Maidenhead – which includes former prime minister Theresa May’s constituency. It was prime minister Rishi Sunak’s first significant electoral test since [...]
As the country prepares for the Coronation, the Royal Firm needs to fight for its future May 5, 2023 Most of the public still want to keep the Monarchy, but support has dropped over the years.
What’s next for crypto at Eurovision this year? May 4, 2023 Monty's not sure if he's coming or gong with Eurovision and the coronation, but he's expecting the weird to get even weirder.
Coronation wine: why magnums and boxes of wine are best May 4, 2023 We Brits really do enjoy a party and this Saturday will see festivities up and down the country for the coronation of King Charles. The tradition of celebrating these occasions is part of our nation’s heritage, with documents even describing the coronation of unlucky Anne Boleyn as having the streets hung with flags and bunting [...]
Your Anti-Coronation Guide: unroyal things to do in London this weekend May 4, 2023 Things to do in London this weekend, from neon life drawing to final-chance theatre, bird watching and cool new Soho shopping If you’re wanting to know where to go to watch the Coronation on the big screen, we’ve got you covered. If you’re wanting to know where to go to celebrate the Coronation in the [...]
Coronation weekend: Brits to splash out an extra £3bn on food, drink and entertainment May 4, 2023 Brits are expected to ring in the Coronation of King Charles III this weekend in the time honoured tradition of emptying their wallets faster than usual. It is predicted consumers will fork out around £8bn over the Coronation bank holiday weekend, with £3.22bn more spent than during a typical May bank holiday. Of the £3bn [...]
PMQs sketch: A local election drinking game, by Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak May 3, 2023 In celebration of the impending Coronation, no, not of the King, but of 8,000 local councillors across the country, Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer came up with a novel idea: a PMQs drinking game.
Coronation: £1m windfall for ceramics giant Halcyon Days as Brits buy King Charles plates and tea cups May 3, 2023 The chief executive of one of the UK’s biggest makers of luxury ceramics has said that Brits should not “underestimate” the value of the Royal Family, as it prepares to rack in a million pounds in sales from Coronation themed tea cups and plates. Pamela Harper, head of the Halcyon Days, a pre-eminent supplier of [...]
Spoiler: King Charles won’t remember the corporates who wished him good luck May 3, 2023 King Charles's coronation is round the corner, but businesses shouldn't feel like they must say something about it at all costs. Sometimes the best PR strategy for corporates is staying quiet, writes Simon Neville
Greene King revenues top £2bn as pub chain hopes inflation fears will be drowned out by a boozy Coronation May 2, 2023 Greene King said revenues continued to soar however the chief executive of the group warned that inflation and the cost of living crisis would prove a “tough backdrop” for the hospitality sector. The pub operator, which has over 2,000 sites across the UK, reported a revenue hike of 62.2 per cent for the 52 weeks [...]