BROWN’S has the seasonal pedicure market cornered. So simple, yet so lovely. Summer brings Fruity Tootsies: so, tired of my bashed up, blistered feet and overgrown (and in-grown) toenails – the result of two months tromping around London in sandals – I succumbed to some fruity tender loving care.
Reclining on a heated treatment bed (this is a luxury pedicure, after all), I’m offered (but decline) a fruity cocktail and a host of magazines (which I joyously take up). My poor tired feet are rubbed happy – and smooth – with a red mixed fruit puree full of brown sugar granules, which serve as a moisturising exfoliant. Then they soak in a tub of hot water, before being given a pressure point massage, first through a nourishing paraffin wax foot wrap and then in the flesh. Next, the therapist begins her precise, cosseting work of cleaning, trimming, filing, buffing and shaping. I opted for a French pedicure and it was precisely done. The end result was soft, immaculate feet with good nail shape, lasting, glossy polish and a newfound pride in my now very fruity tootsies. Until 31 August. £85, 90 minutes. Brown’s Hotel, Albemarle Street, W1S 4BP. Tel: 020 7493 6020.