RAPID responses
Initiative needed
[Re: Coalition behaving as if we were in normal economic times, Thursday]
This is a highly pertinent and accurate analysis. The government’s done absolutely nothing to tackle the burden of privately-held debt and nothing to redirect money spent on consumption to be spent on vital infrastructure. The coalition has undertaken no root-and-branch overhaul of the civil service (our bureaucracy’s whole philosophy is wrong, it’s not just full of incompetents who can be sacked and replaced). The entire, interconnected problem all seems to be deeper than politics and politicians can cope with. It’s so obvious to anyone in business, it’s embarrassing.
Tony Parks
Lessons from a Kiwi
[Re: A Bank of Britain is the best way to build a Big Society, Wednesday]
New Zealand’s KiwiBank uses precisely the model suggested and applauded with such gusto by Nick Stevens. It’s a first-rate money loser like most socialist enterprises and there are no good reasons to mimic its failures in Britain, for whatever reasons. A few others have started banks here in the UK in recent times. If you have a good idea and think you’d be better than these banking competitors, please approach private investors and convince them to fund it. Or stump up the money yourself. But please keep your hands off the money I pay in taxes. Government is big enough as it is.
Andrew Bates
Tim Leunig: should we not question why so much wealth is concentrated in one city of the UK?
This is how it should be. Shareholders cutting pay, not fiat from the government. Capitalism works.
Think it’s time we stopped the charade. Spain will need a mega bailout. €15bn won’t make a dent.
JP Morgan shows us just how much we’re at risk from banks that are too big to fail.