The Capitalist: Feisty wonks, the Tooth Fairy and a CEO under citizen’s arrest Opinion Wonks at the CPS get feisty, the Tooth Fairy cuts costs and a CEO under citizen's arrest; catch up on the latest drama in The Capitalist.
The Capitalist: Madders’ badders, desk politics and Volkswagen’s sausage boom Opinion Justin Madders slips up, desks become status symbols and Volkswagen celebrates sausages sales. That and more in this week's The Capitalist.
The Capitalist: Beavers, disgruntled Tesla owners and PR confessions Opinion Beaver fever, PR confessions and Tesla owners get creative. Catch up on the latest gossip in this week's The Capitalist.
The Capitalist: Tardy Tories, Heathrow’s VIP lounge and the ‘shadow DOGE’ February 27, 2025 Tory time zones, Heathrow’s new VIP lounge and a ‘shadow DOGE’. Catch up on the latest gossip in this week’s edition of The Capitalist TARDY TORIES If Reform do manage to oust the Tories from their HQ on Matthew Parker Street, they may wish to check the clocks. Reportedly, Tory aides have taken to working under [...]
The Capitalist: Misbehaving MPs, right-wing fetishists and a Kate Spade handbag February 20, 2025 Misbehaving MPs, right-wing fetishists and a Kate Spade handbag. Catch up on the latest gossip in this week’s edition of The Capitalist 1987 and all that The City might be getting younger and younger but for those keen to understand how things used to be, we’re happy to commend Paul Mitchell’s novel, 1987. The (mostly) [...]
The Capitalist: Tory lemonade, Mrs T the opera and Netflix’s creativity crisis February 6, 2025 Tory lemonade, a Margaret Thatcher opera and Netflix comes out fighting: catch up on the latest gossip in The Capitalist.
The Capitalist: Pedicabs, WH Smith and HMRC hang-ups January 30, 2025 Pedicab politics, the demise of WH Smith and taxman ghostings: catch up on the latest gossip in this week's edition of The Capitalist.
The Capitalist: Davos, Prince Harry and the City’s unstoppable salad cult January 23, 2025 Dispatches from Davos, Prince Harry's settlement and the salad's unstoppable conquest on the City: catch up on the latest City gossip.
The Capitalist: Traitors, Tories and death to the robots January 16, 2025 Traitors, the Trump inauguration and broken robots in this week’s edition of City AM’s gossip column The Capitalist ROSES ARE RED, TULIP IS THROUGH At around about the same time that Tulip Siddiq was drafting her resignation statement, Labour MP Callum Anderson was hosting former London Stock Exchange colleagues for a chat in Westminster about [...]
The Capitalist: WFH rows, Zuck’s new watch and the City’s Tesco habits revealed January 9, 2025 WFH causes a ruckus, Zuckerberg's eye-catching watch and the nation's favourite meal deal: catch up on the latest gossip in The Capitalist.