Sometimes, the casino seems the only way forward Tune into today’s media and what do we hear about almost every day? Recession, recession and recession. But I invite you to take a walk into the casino. Look around and you would be forgiven to think that money was just growing on trees. Money is thrown onto tables as punters take a gamble on [...]
Don’t over-complicate your approach to the market I spent last week away from the markets and enjoying Paris. I saw many of the sights – the Eiffel Tower, the Opera – but not the secret signs from the Da Vinci Code which are scattered around Paris. That got me thinking about the markets. Lots of people think they have secret codes or [...]
How wave power can help you to read the markets The markets are anything but random, say proponents of Elliott Waves. Understanding them will improve your trading. Most people are led to believe that the markets are completely random and that there is no way of forecasting the next move, either up or down. But others seem to make large amounts of profits catching the [...]
It’s best to trade on what you see, not what you think August 11, 2008 In these uncertain markets, instinct and common sense can be a trader’s best friend, says Sandy Jadeja There is an old saying that we should trade what we see and not what we think. Now, I for one agree. The moment I start to think about what’s happening in the markets rather than trade based [...]
Summer volatility means rich pickings August 4, 2008 Traders should stay disciplined to make the most of unusual summer markets, says Sandy Jadeja With holiday season upon us, minds are turning to currencies. With the dollar so weak against the pound, a trip to the US looks like a better bet than Europe at the moment. I am planning to take a break [...]
Flexibility is the key in these markets: you can win on falls as well as rises July 28, 2008 Smiles have returned to traders’ faces with the markets rallying more than 7 per cent in the last two weeks. But be careful. It’s easy for the bulls to get too optimistic. During a spread betting seminar last week, people kept asking, “Are there any buying opportunities in the markets?” My answer is that there [...]
Ditch the crystal ball and just keep on trading to win July 21, 2008 It’s impossible to call the market’s bottom, so stick to trading its actual moves, says Sandy Jadeja Has the market reached an important low, and are stocks cheap? That’s a crucial question, but given present market conditions, also a tricky one. For several weeks now I have been arguing that the FTSE 100 would need [...]