Apprenticeships are the answer to getting young people in work Opinion Once, the UK looked enviously at the German and Swiss “skills miracles,” renowned for their robust apprenticeship systems and highly skilled workforces. Today, the tables have turned. Many countries now look to Britain as a beacon of innovation in skills development and apprenticeships, says Robert Halfon The government has just released a White Paper on [...]
DEBATE: Should exams be scrapped completely? Robert Halfon, MP for Harlow and Chair of the House of Commons Education Committee says NO In normal times, I visit schools from Harlow to Hull. Most students I meet want examinations. It is not hard to understand why. As Ofsted said to our Education Committee, exams provide structure and a sense of achievement. Ofsted [...]
Giving students free breakfast isn’t just right – it’s the smart to do The Four Horsemen of the Education Apocalypse are galloping towards our children. Lost learning, a mental health crisis, safeguarding hazards and, now, a potential loss in lifetime earnings of £40,000, according to some studies. The National Foundation for Education Research estimates that Year 2 pupils are already two months behind where they should be in [...]
DEBATE: Should parliament continue to allow remote voting until the threat of Covid-19 has passed? June 2, 2020 Should parliament continue to allow remote voting until the threat of Covid-19 has passed? Robert Halfon, MP for Harlow and chair of the Education Select Committee, says YES. What has Brazil got to do with the controversy about whether or not there should be a hybrid parliament? Some of those who want to deny MPs who are [...]
DEBATE: Should GCSEs be scrapped and replaced with a broader, more holistic curriculum? February 12, 2019 Should GCSEs be scrapped and replaced with a broader, more holistic curriculum? Robert Halfon, MP for Harlow and chair of the House of Commons Education Select Committee, says YES. Skills shortages cost our economy £6.3bn annually, while hundreds of thousands of young people are faced with the despair of unemployment and unfulfilled job-seeking. Brexit and the rise [...]