5 questions you should be asking prospective employers August 27, 2014 You may be coolly and calmly considering a job offer – or choosing objectively between several, if you’re lucky. Or you may have already bitten their hand off, accepted the offer and now are counting down the days before you begin and the first payday because you have blown this month’s salary in anticipation… Either [...]
Two ways to really annoy your boss August 22, 2014 Want to annoy your boss? Why wouldn’t you? By simply and consistently annoying your boss you could leave those boring office days behind, forget the early mornings and that rubbish, crowded commute and spend the rest of your days at home in your underwear watching daytime TV. Whoop whoop. Alternatively, if you hate daytime TV, [...]
Stalled career syndrome: What to do when your job’s going nowhere August 20, 2014 Are you bored at work? Passed over for that promotion? Find yourself procrastinating or spending time surfing the net to make up office face time? Feel like you’re not getting anywhere? Then you may be suffering from stalled career syndrome. Symptoms include boredom, lack of progression and unused skills. Staring at the screen while you [...]
How to impress your boss: 5 ways to put yourself first in line for promotions and bonuses August 15, 2014 So you want to impress your boss? Who doesn’t? It is kind of important after all. Being “in” with your boss helps you stand out from the crowd – making you more likely to get promoted, get more money or survive redundancy. But you don’t want to suck up to your boss – you don’t [...]
How do you decide to change jobs? Here are the 6 questions you must ask yourself August 13, 2014 Changing jobs can be a terrifying and dangerous decision. Which is why despite some people enjoying working for the same company for decades, some stay in jobs they hate because they fear change and stay with the devil they know. Others see it as completely normal to change jobs every couple of years – and [...]
How to handle “Do you have any questions?” in a job interview August 8, 2014 “So do you have any questions for us?” This is not a polite way to end the interview and usher you out of the room quickly before they cross you off their list. It is another interview question and should be treated as such. It is also a huge chance to move from defensive “I” [...]
The top 10 interview questions you really should know the answer to August 6, 2014 Interviewers like consistency, they enjoy being able to judge each candidate by a set benchmark. This is why the same interview questions come up time and time again. Doing well in a job interview is down to you being able to express yourself clearly and coherently, communicating your message (i.e. your provable and evidenced differentiating [...]
The rules of successfully asking for a pay rise August 1, 2014 Ok. You want a raise. Who doesn’t? But you are different. Obviously. You deserve it. Your friends and family have told you that you do for all the hours and effort you have been putting in. And the salary you happily accepted when you took the job just doesn’t stretch as far as it did. [...]