Uh-oh millennials: London is now the second-priciest city in the world for avocados May 29, 2018 The average price of goods overall has dropped in London since Brexit, but avocados will still set you back big time, according to a new study of global cities by wealth manager UBS. The UBS Prices and Earnings report compares the cost of living in 77 cities worldwide, and this year found that Zurich is [...]
Jacob Rees-Mogg priced out of Mayfair, has to ‘settle’ for house in Westminster. May 28, 2018 Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg has admitted to being priced out of Mayfair after he recently moved his family home to Cowley Street in Westminster. Addressing speculation that the move was prompted by his ambition to become Prime Minister, and therefore live closer to Parliament, Rees-Mogg told ITV that it was simply a matter of personal [...]