What will Trump’s first 100 days mean for markets? City Talk Amid concern about tariffs, markets appear to be hedging their bets, but there’s plenty to suggest that Trump’s first moves in office could fall short of the worst expectations, says Michael Hewson A lot of the recent turmoil in markets appears to be being blamed on concerns that Donald Trump, inaugurated as President today, could [...]
Moments move markets City Talk The last 30 years have been one of extraordinary change in terms of how financial markets and the global economy have evolved. When I first started in the City all the way back in 1988 as a “wet behind the ears” trainee trader, the City of London was a very different place. From chattering [...]
What’s Next? Questions remain over autumn results after retailer’s summer boost City Talk There’s been no shortage of negative headlines surrounding UK retail in recent weeks with the woes of the sector hitting some high profile names in recent months including House of Fraser, Moss Bros last week, and John Lewis surprising the markets in reporting huge drops in profits. Earlier this year Next warned that trading conditions [...]
Will Aston Martin vanquish the doubters? September 21, 2018 The auto sector has had a tough time of it recently with concerns over the implementation of tariffs on their products, as well as the bad publicity around emissions cheating and investigations into other cartel like behaviour weighing on the sector in recent months. Putting aside those concerns there are certain brands that have [...]
Will Aston Martin vanquish the doubters? September 21, 2018 The auto sector has had a tough time of it recently with concerns over the implementation of tariffs on their products, as well as the bad publicity around emissions cheating and investigations into other cartel like behaviour weighing on the sector in recent months. Putting aside those concerns there are certain brands that have [...]
More of the same from Apple? September 11, 2018 Earlier this year Apple made history in becoming the first US company to achieve a $1trn valuation, a level it maintained when it crossed above $207 a share last month. Since then the share price moved up to as high as $229.67 earlier this month, before embarking on a four-day slide prompted by some profit-taking, [...]
Lehman Brothers 10 years on September 4, 2018 It’s hard to believe that it’s almost ten years since financial markets globally underwent a cardiac arrest that brought the world economy to its knees. Financial markets had already been on a slow downward slope in the lead up to events in September 2008, over concerns about the stability of the global financial system that [...]
Coca-Cola scoops up Costa August 31, 2018 For some time Whitbread CEO Allison Brittain has swatted aside speculation that the company should divest itself of its Costa coffee business saying that it didn’t make sense to do so in the middle of a restructuring program. In April she bowed to investor pressure but said that the process could take up to two [...]
Coco Cola scoops up Costa August 31, 2018 For some time Whitbread CEO Allison Brittain has swatted aside speculation that the company should divest itself of its Costa Coffee business saying that it didn’t make sense to do so in the middle of a restructuring program. In April she bowed to investor pressure but said that the process could take up to two [...]
Cold Turkey for European banks as lira slides further August 10, 2018 For some time now investors have been looking at the unfolding currency crisis in Turkey as a local difficulty, however the accelerating speed of the declines appears to be raising concerns about European banks exposure to the Turkish banking system. Reports that the European Central Bank is concerned that some banks in France, Italy and [...]