Heineken sales up 5.4 per cent thanks to a hot summer October 28, 2015 Shares in the world's third largest brewer Heineken were trading up 2.94 per cent after a sunny set of third quarter results. The figures Heineken has earned a nice cold beer, with a 5.4 per cent rise in volumes sold, more than double estimates for a 2.6 per cent rise, thanks to strong performance in Europe and the Americas. [...]
Apple released its full-year results and broke records October 27, 2015 Here are the five facts you need to know about Apple's record results: Apple made more than $1bn a week in profits in the last 12 months. Apple's $234bn full year revenue dwarfs Ireland's GDP (of $227bn). And Greece's, which is $139bn. Perhaps it could lend a hand with some debt relief? And even oil-rich [...]
Elizabeth Taylor and Michael Jackson are among the celebs earning more than you, even when they’re dead October 27, 2015 Since he died in 2009, Michael Jackson has earned a cool $1bn (£654m) – $115m in 2015 alone – placing him on top of the list of dead celebrities who haven't lost their earning power. Elvis, Bob Marley, Elizabeth Taylor, John Lennon, and Albert Einstein all feature on Forbes' list of 13 top-earning dead celebrities this year. Jackson has earned triple-digit [...]
Apple Watch sales break-down remained elusive in Apple’s full year results October 27, 2015 Apple may have announced record revenues thanks in part to a 22 per cent increase in iPhone sales, but the much-vaunted Apple Watch did not get a mention in the results as many had hoped it would. The last quarter results over the summer were supposed to be the first chance to see how the [...]
Apple share price rises thanks to record revenues but iPhone sales are less impressive October 27, 2015 Apple shares closed down 0.63 per cent but rose 2.88 per cent in after hours trading thanks to record results that beat expectations. The figures Apple reported revenue for the last three months rose 22 per cent, to $51.5bn, from $42.1bn this period last year, while net profits hit $11.1bn, up from $8.5bn. Earnings per share were $1.96, up from [...]
Twitter shares plummet in after hours trading as social network posts quarterly results October 27, 2015 Twitter shares sank by more than 11 per cent in after hours trading as the social network revealed its results for the three months to 30 September, despite revenue and Ebitda coming in ahead of expectations. The figures Revenue in the third quarter was $569m (£372m) compared with $361m in the same period of 2014, while [...]
Equiniti prices at the bottom of IPO range and then shares fall on first day of trading. Ouch. October 27, 2015 First days can be tough, and it's no different on the London Stock Exchange. Payments provider Equiniti priced its shares at the bottom of the range, at £1.65 a share, when it floated today. But shares closed down on its first day of trading at £1.51, having dropped as low as £1.49 during the day. The [...]
Boardroom battle between Electra and Sherborne Investors boss Edward Bramson continues October 26, 2015 The boardroom cat-fight between Edward Bramson and Electra rumbles on, with yet more letters when Electra released its full year results yesterday. Electra reported net asset value (NAV) per share return of 25 per cent in the year to September 30, with £259m realised from the portfolio. NAV per share return (the best measure of [...]
MPs reject a tampon tax bill calling for a reduction in the rate of VAT on women’s sanitary products October 26, 2015 Eurosceptic Tory MPs joined forces with Labour and the SNP in a surprising alliance last night to try to force the government to cut taxes on women’s sanitary products. The coalition failed with MPs rejecting The Finance Bill amendment, which would have forced a negotiation with the EU to reduce VAT rate, by 305 to 287 votes. HM Revenue and Customs [...]
Finance fears are putting off 40 per cent of Brits who’d like to start their own business October 26, 2015 Forget a nation of shopkeepers, we're a would-be nation of entrepreneurs – almost 40 per cent of Britons would like to start their own business. But a lack of stable income, and fears over financing are forcing Brits to bin their business plans, according to a survey from Intouch Accounting. More than half of under-35s [...]