No size fits all: Getting the best out of introverts July 23, 2014 Shyer staff have different needs, so cut down on background noise. There’s a problem with using stereotypes like “introvert” and “extrovert” to inform office policy. Setting aside whether or not these broad terms actually apply to all staff, how many other employee caricatures should be actively catered for? Do alpha males and females require [...]
Risk savvy: Why simple rules of thumb are best July 22, 2014 A new book lays bare the pitfalls of complex decision-making. Imagine you’re a turkey – one that understands basic probability theory. Each day, a farmer brings you a bucket of corn, and any initial wariness over the human’s presence turns into an expectation that you’re about to be fed. This confidence increases week by week, [...]
The sanction spiral: Russia and Europe may fall into recession July 21, 2014 A trade “tit-for-tat” would hit both sides extremely hard EVEN before the tragic Malaysia Airlines plane crash in Ukraine last Thursday (allegedly the work of Moscow-backed separatists), Russia was already reeling from the US’s tightening of the screws. The country’s Micex stock index tumbled 2.3 per cent to 1,440.63 last week after news that financial [...]
Magicians and mathematicians: Rocket Network’s Mark Girling on media agency challenges July 20, 2014 Established in 1997, Omnicom-owned Rocket Network has grown its business to include media planning and buying accounts with brands such as the Co-operative Group, Harvey Nicholls and Porsche. Mark Girling, its managing director, has now worked at a senior level in London media agencies for over 20 years. He talks to City A.M. about [...]
The responsible way to unplug from emails while on holiday July 20, 2014 Summer holidays – a time for rest, relaxation and a regular supply of cocktails on the beach. Unfortunately, the demands of a full-time job have a nasty habit of creeping in. A survey of 1,000 people by Origin Storage found that 73 per cent admit to being in contact with the office while away on [...]
Wellbeing in the workplace: Get happy and thrive July 16, 2014 Remember the three Cs and you could see a boost in productivity. The idea that employee wellbeing can impact a company’s bottom line isn’t a new one. Back in the 1970s, the US Worksite Health Promotion movement campaigned for firms to think of staff health and happiness as an essential ingredient in productivity. [...]
Facebook isn’t just for procrastinating: How using social media could be a career booster July 16, 2014 It's all too easy to put the words “social media” and “career” together and immediately think “disaster”. Well-publicised mishaps, not least former US congressman Anthony Weiner’s alleged salacious tweeting back in 2011, have led to the conception that Facebook, Tumblr and the like are nothing but a minefield for professionals. But this is a misconception. [...]
Scottish independence: Why the referendum matters July 14, 2014 Even a “No” vote will mean radical shifts in political power. Warnings of market complacency have come thick and fast recently. Just yesterday, Bank for International Settlements chief Jaime Caruana said investors are ignoring the prospects of coming rate rises amid a giddy hunt for yield, while the geopolitical crises tearing through the [...]
The in-house agency: Oliver Marketing CEO Simon Martin on the new media model July 13, 2014 Traditional ad and media agency models are under pressure – this everyone knows. But while some executives are nervously looking over their shoulders at the tech giants and consultancies, the in-house agency model is also shaking things up. According to the Association of National Advertisers, nearly 60 per cent of clients used in-house [...]
What the CIA style manual can teach you about writing July 13, 2014 Be frugal with adjectives – nouns and verbs do the heavy lifting. Spies aren’t exactly known for their literary exploits. But, as in business, intelligence work requires a precise, lucid writing style that can easily be ruined by failing to adhere to a few critical rules. And sloppy writing can be costly. Communications [...]