City A.M.’s Crypto Insider Speaks to Jonathan DeCarteret, Co-founder & CEO of INDX Capital October 23, 2018 INDX co-founder and CEO JonathanDeCarteret’s crypto experience will be a familiar story to many fellow crypto investors. In 2017, Jonathan decided he’d had enough of constantly checking his crypto portfolio, weathering a volatile market and rarely seeing his family in the process. Thinking there must be a more stable way to generate revenue in the [...]
City A.M.’s Crypto Insider meets Oliver Worsley, Co-Founder and CEO of Worsleys Client Services August 28, 2018 Over the past few months I have attended many blockchain and crypto events and one young energetic entrepreneur kept crossing my path – Oli Worsley. It’s evident when meeting Oli that he is not your typical developer with a niche idea for disruption, nor is he the traditional financier looking to cash in on crypto [...]
City A.M.’s Crypto Insider speaks to Andrew Rabbit, CEO of August 14, 2018 I recently met up with Andrew Rabbitt, CEO of, a banking technology platform for a new global network of community-focused, ethical challenger banks. Whilst mainstream banks suffer an expensive, legacy debt of technology, a large number of hard-pressed individuals are unbanked. “We saw an opportunity to combine a love of technology with addressing a [...]
City A.M.’s Crypto Insider speaks to Christopher Woodrow, CEO of Entertainment Financing Platform MovieCoin August 7, 2018 Despite its foray into the 21st Century with digital streaming and special effects, the $2 trillion global entertainment industry’s backend is in dire need of an upgrade. Poor transparency and an overreliance on “middlemen,” for example, present several cost and efficiency challenges that need addressing if the industry will ever realize its full potential. I [...]
City AM’s Crypto Insider speaks to Benjamin Dives and Adam Bryant of London Block Exchange July 31, 2018 The London fintech scene has gone from strength to strength, with blockchain businesses spearheading this success. One of these companies has not only made a huge impact in less than a year, but has big ambitions going forward too. I spoke to CEO and founder Benjamin Dives alongside his Executive Chairman, Adam Bryant, to tell [...]
City A.M.’s Crypto Insider Interviews Aldo Lo Castro of AliasLab UK July 17, 2018 AliasLab has been a leader in electronic identity IT for more than 30 years, and is now majority owned by TeamSystem Group, Italy’s leading ERP & management software and training services company employing more than 2,000 with €315m of revenue. AliasLab designs, implements and manages complete software and hardware integrations, primarily in the fields of [...]
City A.M.’s Crypto Insider interviewed Phillip Nunn, CEO of The Blackmore Group, a bespoke Investment House July 10, 2018 Phillip Nunn is becoming one of the UK’s, if not Europe’s, most influential online Blockchain and cryptocurrency experts, and has a social media following of more than 400,000 people organically grown due to the fascination surrounding this new, exciting and profound movement. Nunn has a background in financial markets and Fintech and has blended the [...]
Tokenising Gold – City A.M.’s Crypto Insider Interviews Jinbi co-Founder Joe Crawley July 3, 2018 London-based Joseph Crawley heads up the gold mining operations and corporate strategy for Jinbi Token, a UK and Belarus-based gold-backed blockchain business. Jinbi merges traditional gold investment with blockchain technology, which allows the token holder to experience the best of both worlds. Joseph is an expert in precious metals, trading, and mining and understands well [...]