The economic recovery is coming — and it will be powered by micro-businesses I wouldn’t be the first to talk about how incredibly difficult 2020 has been for small businesses. And based on the chancellor’s economic forecasts last month, those challenges look set to continue for the foreseeable future. The worst economic downturn in a generation, thousands of businesses and their employees out of work, and continued uncertainty [...]
When it comes to government business support, one size does not fit all When it comes to getting noticed, unfortunately size does matter. There are millions of micro businesses (those made up of fewer than nine employees) across the UK, which play a crucial role in our economic health. In the months to come, their ability to be nimble will be vital in helping this country navigate through [...]
12 steps to turn your brilliant idea into a business Most of us have probably had a great business idea at some point in our lives. A lightbulb moment in the pub, a problem solved in the shower or brief thought whilst waiting for the bus. But so rarely do these ideas ever progress beyond a fleeting thought. And setting up a business can be daunting, [...]