Are UK markets overstretched? December 21, 2017 With the FTSE 100 and All-Share a wee bit below their all-time highs and valuations above average, many fear equities are too high and will soon fall. However, in our view, such worries are misplaced. Valuations aren’t predictive, and markets routinely set all-time highs during bull markets. We expect UK markets to keep making chart-topping [...]
Annual portfolio review pointers your adviser ought to embrace November 23, 2017 With the holiday season drawing near, the end of 2017 is close at hand. To many investors, this is a sign that it’s time to review portfolios and potentially rejig for the new year. From a professional’s perspective, this is welcome. It is refreshing to have investors engaged in discussing portfolio returns. But to make [...]
Control Brexit and nationalism concerns by investing globally November 1, 2017 As UK investors await the final Brexit plans, it may be time to consider the benefits of geographic diversification. What a difference a year makes. Last June, as Brits voted to leave the EU, many viewed it as a time to shed UK assets. Sterling fell to multi-decade lows versus the dollar and other currencies. [...]
Positive surprise as protectionism fears not bearing out November 1, 2017 Despite Trump election and Brexit, free trade appears to be growing stronger Investors who worried that recent protectionist sentiment would slow free trade can breathe easier. Over the last 18+ months, Brexit, Donald Trump’s election, nationalist sentiment in Europe and other developments sparked investor fear of protectionism and trade wars. Yet free trade remains alive [...]
Think locally, invest globally: Why Brexit isn’t the calamity some fear November 1, 2017 A year after the Brexit vote, the UK has managed to avoid a bear market and recession. Still, global diversification remains a key tool for investors. Fifteen months after Brits voted to leave the EU, the UK government is slowly ploughing ahead with Brexit. Invoking Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty in March was the [...]
European stocks stand up to terrorism November 1, 2017 London. Manchester. Brussels. Paris. Nice. Copenhagen. Stockholm. Normandy. These are just a few of the European cities struck by terrorists in recent years. Attacks are sadly becoming increasingly frequent, and whenever they occur, people speculate about the potential market and economic impact. It is impossible to know where or when terrorists will strike next, but [...]
Positive surprise as protectionism fears not bearing out November 1, 2017 Despite Trump election and Brexit, free trade appears to be growing stronger Investors who worried that recent protectionist sentiment would slow free trade can breathe easier. Over the last 18+ months, Brexit, Donald Trump’s election, nationalist sentiment in Europe and other developments sparked investor fear of protectionism and trade wars. Yet free trade remains alive [...]
Control Brexit and nationalism concerns by investing globally November 1, 2017 As UK investors await the final Brexit plans, it may be time to consider the benefits of geographic diversification. What a difference a year makes. Last June, as Brits voted to leave the EU, many viewed it as a time to shed UK assets. Sterling fell to multi-decade lows versus the dollar and other currencies. [...]