Ten crypto founder things I wish I knew before I began June 2, 2020 My founder journey began one sleepless night in 2017 when my frustration with cryptocurrency markets hit boiling point. Buying, selling, paying and receiving ought to be simple, clear and fast but instead a cottage industry was growing in which intermediaries were obfuscating these processes with technical jargon, targeting hopeful but clueless punters and profiting unethically [...]
Two sides of the same coin May 19, 2020 Among the many questions we have concerning the future of our society, I doubt that anyone would ask if technology will be less or more present in our lives tomorrow. I believe we all know the answer: our lives and the key structures of our society will continue to rely more and more on technology. [...]
2020: “Hold my Beer” May 5, 2020 Humayun Sheikh is the Founder & CEO at Fetch.ai which is at the forefront of accelerating research and deployment of emerging technologies, including blockchain and AI. Its solutions are designed for people, organizations, and IoT. The project has created an Open Economic Framework (OEF) that serves as a decentralized search and a value exchange platform [...]
How companies can navigate the Wild West of today’s blockchain ecosystems April 7, 2020 Piers Ridyard, CEO of Radix DLT, gives an overview to James Bowater, City AM’s Crypto Insider on the benefits independent testing of Distributed Ledger Technology platforms can bring to the industry and why businesses should take note. The rise of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) startups and cryptocurrencies in the last decade has sparked its fair [...]