Worst corporate jargon of the week: Touch base January 11, 2024 It's January and finally time to 'touch base' with everyone you said you would in December. Join City A.M. in taking a stand.
The Debate: Should London make its public transport free? January 10, 2024 Montpellier in southern France recently followed announced free public transport passes for residents. The sunny city’s suave electric trams and buses have been gratuit as of 21 December (it doesn’t have a metro).
Best of opinion 2023: From politics to Barbie, City A.M.’s top comment pieces of the year December 29, 2023 As 2023 comes to a close, we take a look back at the best of opinion from City A.M.'s columnists, from office politics to Barbiemania.
Personality test: What does your email etiquette say about you? December 27, 2023 BCCs and out of offices, ever wondered what those e-idiosyncrasies say about your colleagues (and maybe yourself)? Read on.
Best of opinion 2023: Housing special December 22, 2023 Housing was a hot topic in 2023 – prices may have lowered a little (though by less than expected) but punishing mortgage rates and the impact of inflation have squeezed would-be buyers and sparked a mass landlord exodus. Renters’ rates have rocketed, up around 10 per cent year on year. All in all Londoners are [...]
Worst corporate jargon of the week: Circle back December 21, 2023 Corporate jargon has the Square Mile in an iron grip, and City A.M. won't stand for it. Today, we dissect the scourge of 'circling back'.
The Debate: Is it time to scrap the Christmas tradition of gift giving? December 20, 2023 Gift-giving may be a long-held Christmas tradition, but is it time to junk such economic inefficiency? City A.M. puts it up for debate.
Worst corporate jargon of the week: Run it up the flagpole December 14, 2023 Running it up the flagpole: what does it mean? Who uses it? Should we be worried? City A.M. gives their verdict on a retro piece of jargon.
Debate: Should we accelerate towards a cash-free society? December 13, 2023 After our intrepid deputy comment editor Anna Moloney found herself stranded, £20 note in hand, with no where to use it in Central London, it raised a wider conversation: what's the point of cash? Does it have nostalgic value? And are we rushing towards a world without pounds and pennies without thinking about it?
Worst corporate jargon of the week: The huddle December 7, 2023 At City A.M., we’re taking a stand and calling out the worst corporate jargon that has infected our offices. This week: the huddle.