The appeal of the City continues to defy the work from home shift – but we cannot be complacent November 13, 2023 Far from the doom and gloom predicted, the Square Mile continues to hold appeal for visitors and workers alike, Chris Hayward writes.
London should be a natural leader for new artificial intelligence firms to move to October 30, 2023 Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents enormous opportunities, not just in terms of how we do business, but in how we interact with one another. Home to a number of innovative businesses and top talent, the UK has a head start in the race to explore AI’s potential for good, and an unrivalled opportunity to shape the [...]
A new home for the London Museum will spawn a cultural renaissance in the City October 16, 2023 London Museum will deliver 1,700 jobs and training opportunities, adding over £755m over a ten-year period. It will be the jewel in the crown of a world-leading cultural offer.
The age of new tech titans isn’t over and London should be the base for these firms October 2, 2023 The global tech race is well underway. In this landscape, we should be proud to be Europe’s tech leader. But we can’t rest on our laurels. From the United States in the west, to China in the east, the competition is fierce, and we need to focus hard on boosting our competitiveness. One sure-fire way [...]
Our economic recovery is on track, but we should aim to be on par with US growth September 18, 2023 There is no reason Britain should not aim to have an economy growing the same speed - if not faster - than the US, writes Chris Hayward
Our country needs economic growth fueled by the Square Mile to exit the current crisis September 4, 2023 To move our country forward, we need economic growth to provide jobs and prosperity. Luckily, the professional and financial services of the Square Mile are here to help, writes Chris Hayward
Take back control? We need to repurpose the slogan for climate change and green jobs August 21, 2023 Even the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has said "climate change is out of control" - we need to take it back, writes Chris Hayward.
From train robberies to ‘Hi Mum’ texts, we are fighting an ever-changing face of fraud August 7, 2023 We've almost all received a "hi mum" message trying to defraud us, but for the victims who fall for the scammers, we must have a safety net, writes Chris Hayward.
The next Mayor of London needs to stand up for financial services as well as housing July 24, 2023 Whoever wins the race to become Mayor of London should remind the government that levelling up cannot mean levelling down London, writes Chris Hayward
A liberalised Indian market would be a boon for London’s financial services July 10, 2023 India is liberalising its insurance sector, legal services and capital markets. It's a great opportunity for the Square Mile businesses to invest and expand, writes Chris Hayward