Reparations won’t fix climate change Opinion Wrong-headed demands that every single person in the rich world should pay $1000 a year in climate reparations will squeeze aid funding and do nothing to advance the green transition. The money would be better spent on R&D to drive down the cost of renewables, says Bjorn Lomborg The UN climate summit in Azerbaijan is [...]
How do you really improve schools? (Hint: it’s not smaller classes or paying teachers more) Opinion Malawi, one of the poorest countries in the world with overcrowded classrooms and teacher shortages, is embracing pioneering technology – and turning its schools around, writes Bjorn Lomborg Childrens’ educational test scores are a major cause for concern across the world. Learning plummeted nearly everywhere during the Covid pandemic – but even before that, standardised [...]
Don’t let green dogma get in the way of climate science Bjorn Lomborg Activists including Greta Thunberg have shut down a key research project into geoengineering — a potentially game-changing technology — arguing that it could provide an excuse not to cut fossil fuels. We can’t afford to let climate science become politicised, says Bjorn Lomborg Climate studies are increasingly becoming politicised. Harvard University recently shut down a key geoengineering [...]
Earth Day: 50 years on, there is impressive progress to cheer April 22, 2020 As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and the birth of modern environmentalism, we should pause to give each other a virtual “high five” for the impressive environmental progress society has accomplished during this span. We should also think about the ways we can make the next 50 far more effective. Case in [...]
Why embracing freer trade could be our best chance to help the world’s poor October 27, 2014 WITH one simple policy – more free trade – we could make the world $500 trillion better off and lift 160m people out of extreme poverty. If there is one question we have to ask ourselves, it is: why don’t we? In 2000, the international community agreed a set of important targets to improve the [...]