Private school fees VAT hike to take effect on New Year’s Day Politics Private school fees are to become subject to VAT from New Year’s Day as ministers reportedly draw up plans to handle a potential wave of school closures. The government’s policy to end the charitable status of fee-paying schools which exempts them from paying 20 per cent value added tax (VAT) to the Treasury as of [...]
Preparations set for private school closures due to VAT on fees Politics Draft plans to handle a potential surge in demand for state school as concerns mount that some private schools may close due to plans to charge VAT
Private clubs and boarding schools: Abu Dhabi’s plan to attract ultra-wealthy Abu Dhabi is targeting the ultra-wealthy with private clubs, elite schools, and revamped banking, aiming at those considering leaving the UK
Lord Pannick to take on government over VAT decision on private schools November 1, 2024 The government is set to face Lord Pannick as legal action has commenced over its decision to charge private schools VAT on fees
‘Challenging policy’: What the pushback to private school VAT plans reveals October 8, 2024 VAT… easy as ABC? It may not quite be Blair’s ‘education, education, education’ mantra, or Michael Gove’s multi-academy trusts. But for Sir Keir ‘my-father-was-a-toolmaker’ Starmer, there’s been one education policy that’s been front and centre of his manifesto and the first 100 days. This is, of course, the plan to impose VAT on private school [...]
‘VAT? What VAT?’: Private school boasting it will absorb Labour’s tax hike propped up by Chinese investors July 18, 2024 Adcote School, an indepedent school for girls, courted controversy in April for funding a motorway billboard saying "VAT? What VAT?"
Private school VAT furore shows just how much help our state schools need June 27, 2024 VAT on private schools has been slated as a "tax on aspiration" - but why don't we focus on making state education aspirational?
Imposing VAT on private schools could be a net cost for the Treasury, research suggests May 20, 2024 John O’Connell, chief executive of the TaxPayers' Alliance, said: "VAT on private schools is a clear cut case of a policy gimmick that will do grievous harm to families with potentially pathetic results for revenues."