JD Sports shares plunge after retailer warns on profit Retail JD Sports shares plunged more than 12 per cent this morning after the company issued a profit warning. The FTSE 100 giant forecast full year profit before tax at between £915m and £935m, down from its previous estimate of £955m to £1.035bn. This morning, the retail giant told markets sales fell 1.5 per cent across November [...]
JD Sports: Shares slump as profit at FTSE 100 giant to be at lower end of expectations Retail JD Sports has revealed its full-year profit will now be towards the lower end of its expectations after softening consumer demand hit its sales. The Greater Manchester-headquartered FTSE 100 giant had previously set a target for its pre-ta profit of between £995m and £1.035bn but it has now confirmed the total will be towards the [...]