Facilities at ADF: ‘Momentum is returning’ to to UK film market after strikes Business Film and TV production trailer provider Facilities by ADF has reported a “resilient market performance” despite a turbulent year in the film industry due to the Hollywood writers and actors strike. In an update to markets, the leading provider of premium serviced production facilities to the UK film and high-end television industry, including the Crown, [...]
Working Title: Production giant behind new Bridget Jones film ‘significantly impacted’ by Hollywood strikes MEDIA The UK arm of Working Title, the production giant behind Lord of the Rings, Love Actually and British cult classics Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead, has weathered a challenging year after being "significantly impacted" by the Hollywood writers strike, according to newly-filed documents.
Vue moves into distribution as its latest efforts to replenish limited film supply Entertainment Vue International is moving into film distribution as the cinema operator looks to replenish its lack of supply caused by the 'unprecedented' Hollywood strikes.