Letters: Paying our way out of a crisis
[Re: Sunak hits energy firms with windfall tax to pay for £15bn cost of living package, May 27]
So, led by the nose…here we go again. Whenever the condescending contrickselfservative “party” find themselves in a difficult place they wave a little money in front of people’s noses to gain their support and buy their votes.
Why are people taken in time and time again by this the oldest trick in the book, this pseudo short term gain of the “Bargain sale” approach !
What hollow victories the smug humbugs of 10 Clowning Street win for themselves. May I offer to remind them that Truth, Integrity, Service of others are the nitty gritty of real democratic politics.
Monkeypox is sad and bad enough but, Boris Bugs are far, far worse.
Charles Mugleston
[Re: Sunak hits energy firms with windfall tax to pay for £15bn cost of living package, May 27]
It’s hard to feel sorry for Rishi Sunak with his swish millionaire lifestyle. But the poor (not in financial terms) Chancellor can’t win either way. If he doesn’t announce measures to tax energy companies and help the poorest, he is heartless and out of touch. If he does, he is economically illiterate and driving inflation. We often decry how disappointing politicians are, but is it little wonder when we expect them to perform magic tricks?
The Chancellor has an unenviable task and for all the talk of second home owners getting more money off their energy bills, Sunak’s hideaway is in California – out of reach of the grant. Poor Rishi.
Kate Broad