City A.M. Awards 2023: Environmental, Social, and Governance Award February 15, 2023 In partnership with ‘ESG’ has never been more in focus than it has been over the past year, with the City going green at pace. But it’s not just about saying the right things, but doing them – and using innovative new products to finance them, too. From big to small, businesses are on the [...]
City A.M. Awards 2023: Analyst of the Year February 15, 2023 City watchers are more valuable than ever, and these analysts have consistently got the big calls right. We recognise those who put the hard yards in to know their businesses and sectors – and who are willing to go out on a limb. Craig Lowrey bio Dr. Craig Lowrey is a Principal Consultant at energy [...]
City A.M. Awards 2023: Innovative Company of the Year February 15, 2023 The City has always thrived on the back of innovation and these firms have it in their DNA. We honour the big ideas and fast-moving firms who are helping to define the future of the Square Mile. CURRENCYCLOUD Making it easier to transfer money abroad is a common theme in the fintech world but it [...]
City A.M. Awards 2023: Accountancy Firm of the Year February 15, 2023 Auditors and accountants have spent plenty of time in the spotlight in recent years, but some firms are leading the way in putting audit and accountancy’s reputation back on the right track – and some are choosing innovative ways to respond to today’s challenges. BEGBIES TRAYNOR The country’s leader in “business rescue and recovery” has, [...]
City A.M. Awards 2023: Insurance Company of the Year February 15, 2023 In partnership with The insurance sector has had an extraordinary year, dealing with natural disasters and climate change on the one hand and investing at pace on the other. This year we’re looking not just at insurers who are delivering for shareholders but those looking to take the lead in greasing the wheels of the [...]
Manage your team spendings with smart software February 14, 2023 | Sponsored Looking for a sophisticated tech solution that allows you to manage your company’s transactions in one place? Spend management solution Payhawk offers company cards, expense management software, AP (Accounts Payable software), invoice management and subscription management, among other features. The Payhawk cards have built-in controls, so finance teams and managers can set their own spend [...]
Reimagine staff training and learning with AI February 14, 2023 | Sponsored For companies looking to level up their employees’ learning processes, Sana’s AI-powered platform could be the ideal solution. Since 2016, Sana has championed the potential of Artificial Intelligence to revolutionise how companies approach learning and development. Capable of providing bespoke recommendations, powering enterprise search and even creating polls, quizzes, translations, images and entire training courses [...]
Let a specialist accounting company sort your law firm’s finances February 14, 2023 | Sponsored In need of accounting services for your firm? Cashroom provides specialist legal accounting to more than 250 law firms of all shapes and sizes across the UK. The company’s legal cashiers and accountants are experienced and qualified — Cashroom has partnered up with ILFM (The Institute of Legal Finance & Management) for its cashiers’ qualifications, [...]
Get expert advice to resolve your tax issues February 14, 2023 | Sponsored When tax issues get complex, give Stewarts a call. The company provides specialist advice to family offices, high net worth individuals and corporate businesses, resolving problems with HMRC confidentially before they become more difficult; and, where appropriate, representing clients robustly before going to court or tribunal. It uses a range of dispute resolution techniques, combined with [...]
Get expert help with navigating financial and insolvency problems February 14, 2023 | Sponsored Has the pandemic or energy crisis hit you or your business hard? Are you in constant worry about how to navigate through the current climate? Unfortunately, when businesses are forced to close, the problems don’t often end there. If you’ve sadly had to close your business and you’re unsure how to pay your outstanding debt, [...]