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Interactive: Unemployment twice as high for those without qualifications
The unemployment rate at the last census was double for those without any formal education, according to data released by the Office of National Statistics (ONS).
Data from the 2011 census has revealed that the unemployment rate for both men (12.9 per cent) and women (10.8 per cent) with no qualifications was over twice that for those with at least one qualification (5.2 per cent for men, 4.3 per cent for women).
A-Levels are extremely important. Fewer than half of men and women with no qualification were employed (48.5 per cent) compared to 80.7 per cent for those with at least two A-Levels.
Those with two or more A-Levels were almost as likely to be employed as people who had studied to undergraduate level or beyond, although attending university more often leads to employment in a higher-paid job.
The report was interesting from a geographical point of view too. Here is a map showing unemployment rates for people with no qualifications.
All five areas with the highest unemployment for people with no qualifications were in rural areas with the four lowest all being in cities. Four of the bottom five were in London.
Rural areas typically have lower unemployment for obvious reasons: there are fewer people and they tend to be older. Here are the 10 areas with the highest employment:
The employment rate for people with no qualifications is over twice as high in Eden as it is in Tower Hamlets.