Former housing ministers Mark Prisk and Nick Raynsford call for 2.5m more houses by 2025
The government needs to do more to encourage house building, two former housing ministers have said.
The Lloyds Banking Group Commission on Housing released yesterday outlines a programme to tackle the shortage of new homes.
“The UK housing market is facing a range of interlocking problems relating to the general shortage and quality of new homes being built,” said MP Mark Prisk. Prisk co-chaired the commission with Nick Raynsford MP who said “the Commission was convened to identify the key policy responses necessary to generate a higher, more sustainable level of housing production in the UK.”
The report calls for a national house-building target which will deliver between two million to 2.5m homes over the next decade.
It calls for a revitalised small and medium-enterprise home-builders sector and giving local authorities clear targets to meet.
“I welcome this report’s contribution to the debate, which makes clear that all parts of the housing industry must work together and continue to build the homes this country needs.” said Brandon Lewis, the current housing minister.
However, the report recommends that no major changes should be made to the planning system.