…as ex-takeover boss joins ABI
ROBERT Hingley, a former director general of the City’s Takeover Panel, was yesterday appointed to the Association of British Insurers to be its new director of investment affairs.
Hingley, whose stay at the Takeover Panel was prolonged when his successor got caught up in a conflict of interest over the Cadbury/Kraft takeover, has had 30 years’ experience in the City working as an investment banker and lawyer.
When he was at the Panel he said about it: “The good thing is we remain nimble and we have the ability to get round the table within 20 minutes.”
In the current turmoil in the City, the Takeover Panel, which is a self-regulated body, seems to be coming out relatively well.
Hingley will retain his advisory role at Lazard, the independent investment bank, which means he will stand aside from certain matters where there may be a clash.
Hingley said yesterday: “The ABI has a key role to play with regards to corporate governance and the relationship between companies and investors and I look forward to contributing to its work in these and other areas.”