Diversify your portfolio by investing in wine
Wine can be a lucrative investment opportunity, especially in an age of rising inflation, provided you have all the tools to do it right. Wine investment company Oeno could help you get there, working with three Masters of Wine — Justin Knock MW, Oeno’s director of wine, as well as Almudena Alberca MW and Gabriele Gorelli MW, the group’s Spanish and Italian ambassadors — as well as collaborating with some of the world’s most trusted anti-fraud wine experts (the company has its own in-house antifraud unit). Oeno is the only wine investment company that’s two built-in exit strategies (liquidation pathways): Oeno Trade, focused on supplying top UK hospitality venues, and Oeno House, a fine wine boutique, at the Royal Exchange. Contact the team at invest.oenogroup.com/cam.