Ed Miliband tells Jeremy Paxman: Hell yes, I’m tough enough for this March 26, 2015 Ed Miliband last night claimed that he has been underestimated, and that he is tough enough to be elected Prime Minister in six weeks’ time. The Labour leader cited his interventions on phone hacking, the energy markets, Syria, and even his decision to take on his brother David for the party leadership, as evidence of [...]
Ed Miliband is electoral “kryptonite” for landlords with 56pc backing Cameron March 26, 2015 Ed Miliband's popularity among the general public may be low, but his ratings among the nation's landlords are positively subterranean, new research suggests. Landlord website Rentify found that of the 2m landlords in Britain, just 19 per cent are supporting Labour. Miliband's personal approval rating among this group is a woeful 16 per cent. The [...]
Ed Miliband is the only party leader whose house would be hit by Labour’s mansion tax March 26, 2015 Ed Miliband is apparently the only one of the three major party leaders who lives in a mansion. The Labour leader's north London home is worth a whopping £2.7m, more than triple the area's average house price, according to online property portal Zoopla. Miliband would also be the only party leader who would be forced [...]
Blue and Red Ukip profiled: The two tribes at the heart of Nigel Farage’s party March 26, 2015 Ever since Ukip began to breach double digits consistently in the polls and win over councillors and MEPs beyond its southern heartlands, the makeup of Ukip supporters has shifted. Back in the old days Ukip voters were almost entirely made up of ex Conservatives and those who hadn't voted before. But with an increasingly aggressive [...]
Boris Johnson appoints new deputy Roger Evans as his return to parliament nears March 25, 2015 Boris Johnson appointed Roger Evans as statutory deputy mayor for London yesterday. He will stand in for Johnson on occasions when the Mayor himself cannot be present. Evans, will take up the new role on 13 May, shortly after Johnson is expected to been elected as an MP. There has been speculation about how Johnson [...]
David Cameron rules out VAT rise at last PMQs before the General Election March 25, 2015 David Cameron has vowed that if the Conservative Party wins the General Election there will be no rise in VAT. The Prime Minister made the announcement at the last Prime Minister's Questions of this Parliament. The surprise move will head off the Labour charge that the Tories will hike VAT if they return to government. [...]
As Cameron and Miliband prepare for final face-off check out PMQs Top Trumps March 25, 2015 David Cameron and Ed Miliband will clash at Prime Minister's Questions today for the last time before the General Election. The two men have spent close to five years duelling in the House of Commons, attempting to catch a spot on the six o'clock news with a withering put-down or witty comeback. Both men have [...]
Jim Murphy pledges redistribution from south to north by hitting the City of London March 25, 2015 Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy will unveil plans to spend £1bn on Scotland's "young working-class" in the heart of the City of London. The money for the new spending spree will come, in part, from reintroducing the bankers' bonus tax, which disproportionately hits workers in London. Murphy will say in the speech that the tax [...]
Kiev’s tough finance chief Natalie Jaresko puts her case to the world March 24, 2015 “I am facing very different challenges to those he faces,” says the Ukrainian finance minister hours after meeting George Osborne, the UK chancellor. Natalie Jaresko is in the middle of a whistlestop tour of London and New York, during which she hopes to put her case to her war-torn country’s creditors and also to enlist [...]
French minister Ségolène Royal rebukes George Osborne’s “spiteful” mockery of Hollande’s economy March 24, 2015 During last week's Budget, George Osborne's jokes at France's expense played well in the chamber of the House of Commons – at least among Tory MPs. The chancellor mocked the opposition for wanting to emulate the French economic model in operation under Francois Hollande. France is beset with high unemployment and low growth and has struggled [...]