Tory MP Steve Baker tells City workers to back Eurosceptic campaign June 7, 2015 A leading Eurosceptic MP is urging City workers to put their names to a campaign pushing for radical reforms of Britain’s relationship with Brussels. Steve Baker, the Conservative MP for Wycombe who yesterday said that he would lead a new anti-EU group called Conservatives for Britain, told City A.M. that British businesses should be sceptical [...]
G7 summit: US President Barack Obama makes clear he wants UK to stay in EU June 7, 2015 President Barack Obama said earlier today the US has “no closer partner around the world” than the UK, but made it clear he wants the Britain to remain part of the EU. He made the comment at the start of the annual G7 conference in Bavaria, during bilateral talks with Prime Minister David Cameron. [...]
Nuclear missiles could be coming to Britain following “worrying” rise in Russian military activity June 7, 2015 The UK is willing to consider adopting US intermediate-range weapons in response to “worrying signs” of increasing Russian military activity. Foreign secretary Philip Hammond told the BBC's Andrew Marr show there was “no clear sign” of an imminent attack on Ukraine but Vladimir Putin “has not ruled out a military option”. “As we [...]
EU referendum: Foreign secretary Philip Hammond thinks EU will say no to new Conservative demand June 7, 2015 One of the key demands made by a Eurosceptic Conservative group won't be accepted by the EU, Philip Hammond has warned. The foreign secretary said a call for Westminster to be sovereign over EU law was “not achievable”, and that a "unilateral red card veto" for the UK would "effectively be the end" of the [...]
Conservatives for Britain: 50 Tory MPs form group for EU referendum no vote if Cameron’s renegotiations fail June 7, 2015 A group of more than 50 Tory MPs have formed a pressure group which will campaign for Britain's exit from Europe if David Cameron fails to renegotiate membership. The Conservatives for Britain (CfB) will support the Prime Minister's efforts to negotiate a better deal for Britain in the EU and is backed by former cabinet [...]
Nigel Farage fires the starting gun for the EU referendum No campaign June 6, 2015 Nigel Farage has put himself forward as a potential leader of the No campaign in the EU referendum. While Farage’s charisma may make him seem an obvious candidate, many No supporters will see him as too polarising and unlikely to appeal strongly to moderate or undecided voters. Douglas Carswell, Ukip’s only sitting MP, said he [...]
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to meet Vladimir Putin on 18 June, as fears grow Greece could break Ukraine sanctions June 6, 2015 Greece last night played a new card in the tense stand-off with its creditors and turned to Russia for help, reigniting fears the country could break EU sanctions over Ukraine. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said the austerity measures leveled at his country were “absurd.” He said the Eurozone and the IMF – Greece’s creditors [...]
Think tank says Whitehall will face bigger cuts as George Osborne announces £3bn plan for savings and sell-offs June 4, 2015 The Institute for Fiscal Studies has warned that it will be “anything but easy” for the Conservatives to stick to their campaign promises. IFS deputy director Carl Emmerson said yesterday that with underlying pressures set to drive up spending, deeper-than-expected cuts amounting to more than 15 per cent for unprotected Whitehall departments will be needed [...]
One chart showing which government departments will face the biggest cuts June 4, 2015 The government on Thursday announced it will be making £4.5bn in cuts in an effort to bring down the nation’s debt. Part of the savings will be made by selling of the remaining 30 per cent of Royal Mail, but much will come from departments. £2.7bn (and a further £345,000,000 from the Kings cross property [...]
Labour leadership race: Party gives positive reaction to Corbyn’s candidacy June 4, 2015 Many politicians and commentators from across the political spectrum have welcomed the addition of Jeremy Corbyn to the Labour leadership race, standing on a "clear anti-austerity platform". As Corbyn announced his candidacy on Wednesday, he said: This decision to stand is in response to an overwhelming call by Labour members who want to see a [...]