Euro exits are the least bad option for the periphery May 14, 2012 MOST economists expect catastrophic consequences if any country exits the euro. Like most conventional wisdom, such a view will be contradicted not by opposing ideas but by the march of events. If the euro broke up, it wouldn’t be the first currency union to come apart. Within the past 100 years, there have been 69 [...]
Do we need rules to stop football teams like Man City from simply buying success? May 14, 2012 YES David Hellier Not before time, new rules are being introduced that should help keep Europe’s football clubs on the straight and narrow financially and prevent them, Manchester City or Chelsea-style, from buying the game’s top honours. The new rules will theoretically put an end to a period during which multi-millions have been spent buying [...]
RAPID RESPONSES May 14, 2012 Brown belt building [Re: Restrictions choke London, Friday] Tim Leunig has a balanced view of development. He recognises the role of open space, green belts and “fingers”, and transport links. But I disagree with him on the creation of new suburbs. He himself says why: Los Angeles. Do we really want urban sprawl stretching from [...]
We are in a world without leaders: The G-Zero will soon replace the G7 May 13, 2012 WHEN so many problems bestride borders, the need for international cooperation has never been greater. Cooperation demands leadership, however. Only leaders have the leverage to coordinate multinational responses to transnational problems. They have the wealth and power to persuade other governments to take actions they wouldn’t otherwise take. They pick up the bills that others [...]
A Facebook bank is far more likely than you imagine May 13, 2012 THE internet gives banks innovative ways of providing services to customers. But it also brings new dangers. Online giants like PayPal, Facebook and Amazon are leading the way on customer experience. Could they go further, and take on banks directly? Facebook has already moved into the world of “virtual currency”. Facebook Credits, costing 10 cents [...]
The City’s prosperity rests on the strength of London’s local communities May 13, 2012 AS newly-elected policy chairman of the City of London Corporation, it is my duty to help nurture a business environment that supports the UK financial services industry, stimulates jobs and growth and maintains London’s status as the world’s pre-eminent global financial centre. But the duties of the policy chairman do not stop there. During my [...]
Should the legalisation of gay marriage be a significant priority for this government? May 13, 2012 YES Ruth Hunt In his speech to the Conservative Party conference in 2011, the Prime Minister stated that “Conservatives believe in the ties that bind us; that society is stronger when we make vows to each other and support each other.” This is a position that Stonewall enthusiastically endorses. At a time when the government [...]
RAPID responses May 13, 2012 Initiative needed [Re: Coalition behaving as if we were in normal economic times, Thursday] This is a highly pertinent and accurate analysis. The government’s done absolutely nothing to tackle the burden of privately-held debt and nothing to redirect money spent on consumption to be spent on vital infrastructure. The coalition has undertaken no root-and-branch overhaul [...]
Archaic restrictions choke London and hinder its sustainable growth May 10, 2012 NINETEENTH century London grew as no city had ever grown before, from 1m people in 1800, to 7m by 1900. Growth was spontaneous. People across the country saw London’s opportunities and moved to the big smoke. And yes, it was smoky then! Builders responded to increased demand, creating the terraced houses, Victorian villas, and mansion [...]
The untamed imagination remains at the heart of true business success May 10, 2012 MAURICE Sendak, the groundbreaking author of Where The Wild Things Are died this week, leaving the world a tamer place. Sendak wrote books for children, but his influence has been far wider and deeper, reaching from Spike Jonze’s recent blockbuster film to many adult authors. His art was distinguished by both courage and originality. He [...]