Can the payday loan industry be trusted to protect consumers from excessive charges? July 30, 2012 YES Richard Griffiths Despite all the negative media commentary, responsible payday lenders work hard to provide customers with an excellent service, resulting in extraordinarily high satisfaction ratings. The industry isn’t perfect and does have a poor reputation. But the four main associations representing payday and short-term lenders have launched a new customer charter, setting out [...]
RAPID RESPONSES July 30, 2012 Olympic reactions [Re: Olympics are a great success, but won’t solve economic crisis, yesterday] The Games so far have been a triumph. Pre-event grumbling was just a classic example of a British tendency to play down expectations. As you write, however, we will have to wake up. The much-vaunted legacy must materialise, even if solely [...]
UK firms face productivity crisis as we drop further behind our rivals July 29, 2012 RECENT UK economic statistics present a conundrum. While the country is experiencing the longest double-dip recession for more than 50 years, private sector employment is rising. What other factors are at play? Our latest research into global employee trends suggests that productivity is an underlying issue. Employers are struggling to get the most of their [...]
The Olympics has made East London a hub for investors July 29, 2012 I AM lucky enough to have spent the last decade immersed in the east of London. Home of the 2012 Olympics, this is the area I believe will be the next addition to London’s core market, bringing huge opportunities for investors. Will London succeed where (some) others have failed, by delivering an Olympic Games where [...]
Banks have to recognise that even unfair criticism must be acknowledged July 29, 2012 THE OLYMPICS is a welcome respite for the banking industry after weeks in the media spotlight. Finance, and the City generally, has suffered a serious blow to its reputation. A period for some reflection should be welcomed. The British banking industry is being judged harshly by comparison with other industries and other countries. Certainly, the [...]
After Facebook reported a $157m (£99m) loss last quarter, should investors be concerned? July 29, 2012 YES Aaron Padgham Excluding staff share payments, Facebook made a second quarter profit of $295m (£187.7m), 22.9 per cent ahead of the comparable period last year. Revenue, however, rose by 32 per cent to $1.18bn, Facebook’s slowest growth rate seen since its inception. These aren’t the kind of figures one expects from a company trading [...]
RAPID responses July 29, 2012 Olympic reversal [Re: Even sceptics must now embrace the greatest show on earth, Friday] Like many Londoners, I felt massively unexcited about the Olympics. Compared to the Diamond Jubilee, it felt over-organised, dominated by large corporations, and disconnected from the ordinary tempo of the nation. But in the last few days my feelings have reversed. [...]
London Olympics 2012: Now is the time for sport to take centre stage July 26, 2012 WHAT persuades a normally rational person to part with hard-earned cash to watch Turkey play Angola in the preliminary stages of a women’s basketball tournament? With apologies to the female basketball players of said countries, and the otherwise right-thinking friend of mine in question, it can only be the excitement of a home Olympics. It’s [...]
The Games are a chance for Britain to showcase its freedom and openness July 26, 2012 IT’S fitting that the Olympic flame, which passed through the City yesterday, is lit in Olympia by focusing the sun’s rays in a mirror. The modern Games is a mirror of nations, in which the host nation and its guests reveal themselves to the world. Take the torch relay. For the Nazis, who ran the [...]
Spain faces bigger problems than its bankrupt regions July 26, 2012 OVER the past week, the crisis in Spain has reached a critical level. Fortunately, thanks to hints of further European Central Bank (ECB) intervention from ECB President Mario Draghi yesterday, the situation has abated somewhat. Unfortunately, this relief will probably only be temporary – not only because Draghi’s comments are unlikely to be followed up [...]