Facebook and Twitter tell Ukrainian users to protect themselves against hacking February 25, 2022 Social media platforms Facebook and Twitter have warned Ukrainian users they may be vulnerable to hacking, after Ukraine experienced a series of cyberattacks in the wake of Russia’s invasion. In a tweet, former Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg, head of global affairs and communications at Facebook owner Meta said the firm would be monitoring its [...]
MPs call for media watchdog to investigate Kremlin-controlled Russia Today TV February 23, 2022 Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said she thought the media regulator Ofcom would be looking at Russia's state-backed news channel Russia Today, which is broadcast in the UK.
Vice Media unveils metaverse HQ February 23, 2022 Vice Media has created its own office inside the metaverse, as more and more firms take a leap into the virtual world.
Discovery sees record figures for Winter Olympics with over a billion minutes streamed February 23, 2022 Discovery has reported record Olympic Winter Games viewership and engagement on its digital platforms, as the household appeal of discovery+ drove significantly higher consumption and numbers of new paid subscribers compared to PyeongChang 2018.
Women’s Euro 2022 names Linkedin as national sponsor February 22, 2022 Women’s Euro 2022 has named LinkedIn as a national sponsor, marking the tech firm’s most significant sports sponsorship to date. The tournament, which is set to be hosted in the UK in the Summer, also has sponsorship from Lego, Pandora and Starling Bank. “At LinkedIn we’re championing a gender equal world that’s diverse and inclusive, [...]
Former Kingfisher chief and one of the UK’s top brand experts battle it out for Channel 4 chairmanship February 22, 2022 Former chief of DIY retailer Kingfisher and one of the UK’s top branding experts are fighting to become Channel 4 chair as question marks remain over the broadcaster’s future. As first reported by Mark Kleinman for Sky News, Sir Ian Cheshire and Rita Clifton were interviewed for the role by Ofcom earlier this month. Clifton [...]
National Portrait Gallery cuts BP sponsorship after 30 years February 22, 2022 The National Portrait Gallery has today announced that it will be cutting its partnership with BP, ending a 30 year relationship with the oil and gas firm. The announcement follows years of growing opposition to BP’s sponsorship of the Gallery, including the BP Portrait Award. Critics have varied from artist Gary Hume speaking out against [...]
BBC Exodus: Emily Maitlis and Jon Sopel leave the Beeb to start podcast February 22, 2022 Emily Maitlis and Jon Sopel have announced a shock departure from the BBC in a move that blows the race for the new political editor position wide open. The Newsnight presenter wrote today: “Some work news – @BBCJonSopel and I are going to launch a brand new podcast with @Global, exec produced by @dinosofos.” “It’s [...]
OnlyFans accused of blacklisting performers on rival sites February 22, 2022 OnlyFans has come under fire for accusations that it blacklists social media accounts of adult performers who work for rival platforms.
Let It Be: Paul McCartney set to headline Glastonbury February 21, 2022 Glastonbury announced that Sir Paul McCartney will headline the festival this year after pandemic cancellations, making him the oldest artist to take the main stage. The 79 year old Beatle will perform on the Pyramid Stage in June, according to reports from The Sun. It comes after American superstar Taylor Swift pulled out of the festival [...]