When it comes to the crunch, this is too trite October 8, 2009 TheatreTHE POWER OF YESThe National Theatre*** “THIS is not a play,” the narrator announces ominously as the curtains open. Instead it is a “story” of the credit crunch conducted through interviews with key financial figures, including mathematician Myron Scholes (Malcolm Sinclair) co-father of the Scholes-Black option-pricing model which underpinned much financial wizardry, FSA head Adair [...]
OUT THIS WEEKEND PREVIEWS October 8, 2009 FILMZOMBIELAND Woody Harrelson kicks zombie butt in this loopy slice of schlock horror. LOVE HAPPENS Jennifer Aniston and Aaron Eckhart get to do the rom com thing. THE VANISHING OF THE BEES Eco-scare documentary about the falling number of bees. DVDLOOKING FOR ERIC Charming comedy about life and football with Mr ooh aah Cantona himself. [...]
How to make a mammoth style statement October 8, 2009 IN THESE sartorially dismal times, when white shirts and grey suits are the name of the game in the Square Mile, a man has to be subtle with those little flourishes that add a bit of pizzazz to his work wardrobe. For a City gent – at least one who doesn’t wear glasses – the [...]
TIME TO USHER IN AUTUMN WARDROBE October 8, 2009 EVEN though we’re still having some warm sunny days, the sartorial summer is officially over. Its very tempting to get the last few wears of that summery dress while the sun is still shining, but it’s time to move on – summer clothes just don’t look right any more. So get them all out of [...]
OUT OF OFFICE October 8, 2009 MAHARAJA AT THE V&AThink thrones, gem-encrusted weapons, Rolls Royces – such were the trappings of the Maharajas that ruled from the collapse of the Mughal empire in the early 18th century to the end of British rule in 1947. The show is full of bling but also uses art, textiles, jewellery to examine the maharajas’ [...]
If you’re getting a bonus, then bricks and mortar are still best October 8, 2009 IT MIGHT not be the most popular thing to say right now, but people are going to get bonuses this year. In the years preceding 2008, the bonus season meant one thing in London – a boost to the buy-to-let property market as bankers sunk their money into bricks and mortar. The world has changed [...]
FOCUS ON: ENFIELD, MIDDLESEX October 8, 2009 BRAYSIDE FARM, CLAY HILL, EN2 9JLPrice: £2.85mSet in a hamlet in a North London conservation area, this stylish five-bedroom property is close to Crews Hill mainline station, which is just 30 minutes away from Moorgate. It stands in around 21 acres of gardens and grounds with various outbuildings and enjoys views of Whitewebbs Park and [...]
Q&A: BUYING October 8, 2009 Camilla DellMANAGING PARTNER AT BLACK BRICK Q. Dear Camilla, I am looking to buy a property in London but every time I find something I like, it goes under offer and I don’t have the chance to buy it or I’m asked to participate in a sealed bid. What are your tips for succeeding? A. [...]
Take yourself out for a lovely dinner alone October 7, 2009 IT’S not just about where you eat, but who you eat with. Nothing says quiet confidence like dining alone. Indeed, Suzanne Pirret, the pin-up chef, wrote a whole book called The Pleasure’s All Mine, about the joys of dining alone. If the thought of sitting at a table for two on your own puts you [...]