The 10 tips to make sure that you perform at that vital job interview May 27, 2009 JOB interviews are terrifying at the best of times. In a depressed job market where interviews are few and far between, it’s even more important to be an expert in getting them right. The first thing, of course, is getting the interview. “If you’re out of work looking for work, flexibility is the key right [...]
Investment matchmaking: a new industry that is beating the crunch July 21, 2008 It is boom time for Gerson Lehrman, now backed by private equity giant Silver Lake, says Roger Baird Business is great for Gerson Lehrman Group (GLG), the investment matchmaking service, to the delight of the managing director of its British division, Paul Ciraolo. New York-based GLG was set up in 1998; it is part of [...]