Cameron refuses to rule out coalition with Ukip and Nigel Farage
Was this morning the time we saw the first tentative, flirting moves towards a Conservative/Ukip coalition?
Appearing on the Andrew Marr show Cameron faced questions about an allegiance between the two parties and declined to deny it, whilst also avoiding any overtly negative comments about Nigel Farage’s party.
The most negative thing Cameron would say was that some members of Ukip had “extraordinary views,” which is a far cry from the fire and brimstone insults such as “fruitcakes and loonies” he has dished out to Ukip in the past.
We see day after day, week after week they were having to expel people because they have said appalling things about different sorts of people and people who choose different lifestyles, people who think that gay marriage caused floods.
They have clearly got some issues but what I choose to focus on is the positive vision that I’ve got for the future of our country and the real choice.
On a different show, Sky’s Murnaghan programme, Nigel Farage was equally coquettish. When questioned about the possibility of working with the Tories, he merely said such suggestions were jumping the gun.