7.30am: HSBC’s wholesale banking chief Samir Assaf is hosting a breakfast on “the southern silk road: a guide to 21st century economic growth”, featuring panellists from the International Monetary Fund, the Brazilian government and WSJ.
10.30am: Gordon Brown will chair a debate with the president of Guineau, Alpha Condé, Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan and South African president Jacob Zuma.
11.30am: Prime Minister David Cameron will address the World Economic Forum on Europe’s competitiveness and the failure of the Doha free trade talks.
11.55am: Mayor of London Boris Johnson will discuss the upcoming London Olympics in the main congress hall.
12.30pm: Davos Open Forum on responsible leadership in time of crisis with former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown and former ECB president Trichet, among others.
10pm: McKinsey will host a nightcap in the Belvedere Hotel until the small hours.
10pm: The FT and CNBC host a joint nightcap in the Belvedere.
Events can be watched live online: http://www.livestream.com/worldeconomicforum
The official Twitter feed is @Davos #WEF.