Fair regulation
[Re: Is the Queen’s speech likely to reassure business?, yesterday]
The Speech is a clear sign to business that the government supports fair and strong regulation. Many employers want to reduce the burden of unnecessary employment tribunal litigation and the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill is a step in that direction. However not all compliance officers will be joyful. Despite opposition from some businesses, the government is pressing ahead with proposals to increase shareholder power over pay – patience has run out with institutional investors taking control of this issue. However, how this will work has not been elaborated upon and it won’t be without practical difficulty.
Audrey Williams
Holidays or profits
[Re: Coalition behaving as if we were in normal economic times, yesterday]
Allister Heath is correct on bank holidays. If only more politicians had run a business. As I struggle to balance the books of a small company, faced with increasing costs of energy, you can understand how my heart sank when David Cameron kindly suggested I give an extra day of holiday to my staff, without any extra production. It comes straight off an already sparse bottom-line.
Chris Payne
It’s good to see you mentioning social issues as well as economic. As someone who has long tried to adopt, Michael Gove’s measures will bring tangible, real benefits.
Sarah Clifton
To misquote Sayre’s Law, “British politics is vicious precisely because the stakes are so small.”
Is there any point to more QE given that it doesn’t seem to be working its way down into the economy?
Nationalising Bankia could be the biggest mistake Spain makes. The government is now on the hook for the bank’s liabilities.
The next high street casualty is Clinton Cards. That’s 630 potentially vacant shops.