Should UK forces intervene in Syria?
AFTER Syria’s United Nations envoy stormed out of an emergency meeting yesterday, leading the US to denounce President Assad’s regime as “delusional”, we’re asking our City panel what they think of escalating violence in the country.
Fayassal al-Hamwi, Syria’s ambassador in Geneva, accused members of the UN Human Rights Council of promoting terrorism and prolonging the country’s crisis by organising the emergency debate yesterday.
Given the rising death toll in Syria – which the UN claims has reached 7,500 – do you think the international agency would be justified in taking military action against the Syrian government, and should the UK and allies be involved?
We’re also interested in whether you think unrest in Syria will lead to wider disruption in the region, and whether it could cause problems for the UK’s energy supply.
Run in association with, the Voice of the City is our weekly poll of business and finance professionals across London. The results of the poll will run in Monday’s edition of the paper.
To answer these questions and more, you can apply to join the panel at