Brown belt building
[Re: Restrictions choke London, Friday]
Tim Leunig has a balanced view of development. He recognises the role of open space, green belts and “fingers”, and transport links. But I disagree with him on the creation of new suburbs. He himself says why: Los Angeles. Do we really want urban sprawl stretching from Maidstone and Guildford to Swindon and the other side of Milton Keynes? London has acres of defunct industrial and commercial land. If every local authority mapped underused or unused land, and if a mechanism could be agreed by which it could be redeveloped to provide housing and green space, then our needs would largely be met. And rural England would not be compromised.
Roger Juer
Greek Cassandras
[Re: Grexit will happen more quickly than politicians think, yesterday]
You’re clearly on top of what is happening. All of this was predicted by those of us who follow the real world, as opposed to the fantasy world seen from Brussels. Another EU finance ministers’ summit won’t change a thing. We must manage the Grexit now and then for Spain, Portugal and, if necessary, Italy and Ireland.
Andrew Ellis
When Greece joined the euro, it was well-known its financial figures had been fudged. But the Eurozone still admitted it. It thus has a moral duty to maintain Greece in its ways, whatever the cost to itself.
John Davenport
Grexit was pretty much inevitable anyway; the bailouts just helped European banks.
It’s useful to be reminded that currencies are social constructs, and this is why Greek exit may be very quick.
Why do so few understand likelihood of a Grexit. There could easily be military government in Greece.
Why can a politician not make a patriotic call for everyone to work harder? Misinterpretations are ridiculously sad.